
Career Overview
What They Do
A Greenhouse Manager will oversee the production and care of a variety of crops (flowers, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, berries or lettuce) including but not limited to propagation, irrigation, pest control, routine maintenance and harvest. A Greenhouse Manager will be responsible for training staff members and delegating daily tasks to up to 100 employees. A Greenhouse manager will be well rounded with knowledge in crop and soil sciences as well as people management and conflict resolution.
Job Duties
Conduct routine crop analysis
Track and benchmark yield and quality metrics
Understand chemical analyses, plant physiology and biological processes
Scout greenhouse for invasive pests and implement and execute a control plan
Make varietal selections based on yields, cultural behaviors and market trends
Research, trail and implement new technologies or cultural practices to improve efficiencies or yields
Problem solve or improvise on a daily basis
Effectively communicate to up to 100 employees
Develop, implement and routinely improve field training practices and SOPs
Manage a dynamic and complex labor plan
Identify Key Performance indicators and benchmark progress
Operate highly specialized equipment, safely and effectively
Job Earnings
Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Median Annual Salary: $75,000
Bottom 10% Annual Salary: $55,000
Top 10% Annual Salary: $100,000
Education/Training Requirements
A Bachelor's of Science degree is usually required for entry-level greenhouse growers. Degrees in plant science, agronomy, horticulture, controlled environment agriculture, biology, chemistry & biochemistry, and business & agribusiness are applicable.
Job Outlook & Growth
Demand for greenhouse grown fruits, vegetables and other products continue to grow on an annual basis. Customers have looked to greenhouse grown items when looking for local, safer and more sustainable food. Other greenhouse items have been introduced in recent years including medicinal and recreational marijuana.
Career Pathway
Ways to Start Preparing for Your Future Career TODAY!
Middle & High School Opportunities
Classes to Take:
Agriculture Classes
DDP, CAD - Structural Design Classes
Clubs/Extracurricular Activities:
BOCES/Career & Technical Education Programs
Genesee Valley BOCES
Conservation (Batavia & Mt. Morris Campuses)
Volunteer Opportunities
Community Gardens
Holley Community Garden
Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA)
Local Colleges/Training

Local Career Connection
Mark Mancale, Labor Director
Intergrow Greenhouses
Albion, NY
Deeper Dive
Cornell Cooperative Extension Helping Grow Urban Agriculture in New York City
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Partnering Together at the Organic Farm
Where Can I Work?
Local GLOW Companies With Greenhouse Jobs
This is a selection of businesses in the region offering this career. That does not mean that there are currently positions available. For information on companies who are hiring right now, please visit https://newyork.usnlx.com/
If you would like to see your business listed here in the future, please email us at GLOWWithYourHands@Gmail.com.